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Ejercicios para mejorar la PRONUNCIACIÓN | Moldes vocálicos

❌ Es ist nicht das tägliche Vokabellernen und auch nicht das stupide Auswendiglernen von Sätzen!

ALL ABOUT THE FUTURE. 😎 #easyenglishtv #aprenderingles

Adjectives in English ✌️ #easyenglishtv

Compound words in English ✅ #easyenglishtv #clasesdeingles

THERE WAS & THERE WERE. 😎#easyenglishtv #aprenderingles ✅👩‍🏫

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE 😎#easyenglishtv #aprenderingles

The Article 'THE'👩🏻‍🏫 #easyenglishtv

FAMILY MEMBERS👩🏻‍🏫 #clasedeingles 👩🏻‍🏫❤️#aprenderingles 📒👌#easyenglishtv ✅

Ejercicios para POTENCIAR la VOZ 🗣️ [7 de 7]: Coordinar AIRE con HABLA

EITHER & NEITHER ✅ #easyenglishtv

As soon as possible ✅ ASAP 👏🏻 #easyenglishtv

THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM ✅ #easyenglishtv #aprenderingles

PRESENT PERFECT vs PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 😎 #easyenglishtv #aprenderingles

WAS & WERE for informatiom questions ✅ #easyenglishtv

The ARTICLE THE ✅ #easyenglishtv

LIFE EVENTS. 😎 #easyenglishtv #aprenderingles

¿Cómo pronunciar FAMILY? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. #easyenglishtv

Silent letters ✅ #easyenglishtv

Informal contractions in English ✅ #easyenglishtv

THERE IS & THERE ARE ✅ #easyenglishtv

EITHER & NEITHER. 😎 #easyenglishtv #aprenderingles

Comenta LIBROS y te envío un regalito #educación #oposiciones #citas #libros #shorts #exposición